
Diablo 3 trading nintendo switch
Diablo 3 trading nintendo switch

Diablo 3 is one of the best-selling games ever, so I’m hoping that will be enough for Blizzard to keep the formula intact and not try something wacky again to launch D4 like what we saw with the Auction House. I am hoping we…stick with that going forward. They did weird things like sell characters separately (the Necromancer), but unlike Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm and Hearthstone, this isn’t a game where you can sell loot boxes, so it has to stick with a very, very standard monetization model: Sell a lot of copies, sell a lot of big, high-effort expansions. I have a sinking feeling that Blizzard didn’t put more work into Diablo 3 in its later years (a new expansion was a no brainer), because there wasn’t a good way to monetize it post-launch. I am somewhat worried about the future of Diablo because I’m afraid of how Blizzard will try to monetize it next. It’s a great game, but I think I’ve wrung just about all I can out of it, and another platform isn’t really what I’m looking for at this point. I am hoping that Blizzard has larger news to share at Blizzcon, namely that they’re working on Diablo 4, but I’d take any news really that moves us past Diablo 3 at last. This is what I was somewhat disappointed that the hinted-at announcement was just Diablo 3 on Switch. And I think I’m about maxed at my desire to do this all over again for 5-6 new characters, to join my existing dozen. I can recite probably every legendary in the game if you gave me enough time. I have played Diablo 3 so many times at this point I’ve memorized every quest, every line of dialogue. So essentially, this is going to be pretty similar to say, randomly buying Diablo 3 on Xbox One for me. I have enough TVs and few family members where I’m not needing to play offscreen that often. I work from home, I don’t have a commute to play Switch on, and I don’t travel that much. First of all, I’m just not someone who benefits from portability that much.

Diablo 3 trading nintendo switch